Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Piece of Cake: How to Cheat at Baking

So you've had a few people over for dinner and you haven't made a pudding. It would normally take at least half an hour to make a chocolate sponge, but I have managed to get it down to less than 16mins and make a party piece out of the process.

Some may say that this isn't really baking, to them I say, 'move with the times.' Using a microwave, the main time saving device in this recipe, is no different than using a modern oven would be to traditional bakers of the past.

This recipe incorporates a simple chocolate sauce because one of the disadvantages of this technique is that the cake can be a little dry. The other disadvantage (or you could look at it as an advantage, depending on your point of view) is that it doesn't keep at all and will need to be eaten immediately after 'baking'. Don't worry, get this out at the tea table and there will not be any left for the birds, I assure you.

So if you thought that baking was a long and complicated process try this one, I challenge you to do a sub 16min cake!

Brevity in baking.

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