Friday, 30 May 2008

From a time before diets...

My mother's production of this cake for a family party last week reminded me that I had not posted the recipe since I made it myself a month or so ago, and of its popularity (it all went in less than 20 mins).

You can make no bones about the serious health implications of eating this delicious treat, the name gives the game away: Lardy Cake. As the recipe shows it really does contain a lot of lard and, as this is saturated fat and not something the doctor would suggest you eat a lot of, it is not going to do anything for your waistline. There is also a considerable amount of sugar in there, your dentist would probably rub his hands together with glee at the sight of warm syrup being spread over the top in spoonfuls, but it is not a Lardy Cake without it.

Why am I telling you all this? Because we all know that the nicer something is the less healthy and generally good for you it is going to be, and this is the perfect example. The preceeding warnings only confirm that this cake is going to taste delicious and that it should be a regular, though not frequent, addition to your baking (take note health warning writers, there is a difference between these two concepts!).

The rolling and folding does take some getting used to, it's similar to puff pastry, so I've added some pictures below to give you an idea of the sequence. The main things are to make sure the rolling is even and the edges are sealed properly to trap the air; that way it will rise happily and evenly when baking.

Don't eat it all at once.

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