Monday, 11 February 2008

A Well Baked Dessert

After a week of the 'Old Favourite' and raiding the stocks in my freezer, Sunday dinner brought the opportunity for baking another dessert that ranks high amongst the classics of English baking. Bakewell Tart is a delicious almond flavoured pudding that always goes down well with family and guests alike, and this one was no exception. Having a slightly larger topping than is traditionally used, and never skimping on the jam filling, makes it something special to finish off a meal with. Its quick preparation also means it is possible to prepare it as the rest of the dinner is cooking away, and it can always be left in the fridge for a few minutes until the oven is ready. The base is a simple shortcrust pastry, which I have covered here before, so there really is no excuse for not making the entire thing from scratch (even I buy the strawberry jam though!).

Over the course of the weekend I also made a couple of focacce (Italian plural of focaccia, in case you're wondering) and also some chocolate orange cup cakes for a birthday party I was attending; these are simply the usual sponge mix divided into baking cases and baked at the same temperature, but for just 10-15mins.

So although there has not been a lot of note over the last week, I'm sure you'll all be glad to hear that I continue to bake on a regular basis.

Go thou and do likewise.

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